Process Dump

A dump file is a snapshot that shows the process that was executed and modules that were loaded for an app at a point in time. A dump with heap information also includes a snapshot of the app’s memory at that point. There are the following ways to access the process dump.

  • From Actions > Process Dump
  • From Tier > Server > Instance Graph > Widget Menu > Diagnostics > Process Dump
Figure 47: Process Dump

Note: Currently, the process dump is supported for NodeJS agents only.

Take Process Dump

  1. On clicking the Process Dump option, the following window is displayed.
Figure 48: Process Dump Window

2. Select the Tier and Server from the list and click the ND The Instance window will display as shown in the figure 49.

Figure 49: Instance Window

3. Click the Capture Process Dump button to take the process dump. Once the user clicks on the capture process dump button, the Enter File Name Dialog box will appear as shown in the figure 50.

Figure 50: Enter File Name with Absolute Path

4. Enter the path and file name, and click OK button. 

5. This captures the process dump and displays it in the Process Dump Manager table. As shown in the bellow Figure 51

Figure 51: Process Dump Manager Window

6. To download the process dump, click the Process Dump List On clicking the process dump list button, the user will be navigated back to the Process Dump Manager window from there the user can click on the Download  button in the table to download the process dump.

Figure 52: Download Button